Saturday, September 26, 2015

Rover Bot Rolls Again

Rover bot is a very simple exploring bot. It will move forward until it detects an obstacle in front of it and stop. When the obstacle is no longer there, it will move forward again.

This is a very simple example intended to demonstrate the arduino with an h-bridge, range finder, and state machine.  I plan to build on this simple project soon.


Current hardware includes:
  • common "turtle" plexiglas platform 
  • Arduino Uno
  • 2 simple geared motors with wheels
  • Keyes L298 H-bridge
  • HC-SR04 ultra sonic range finder
  • 6x "AA" battery 
Instrustables on wiring the h-bridge to the arduino can be found here.


The C source code is driven by a simple state machine.
  • Initially, the state switches to FORWARD.  
  • When the distance to an object in front of it is less than 15cm, the state transitions to STOP.  
  • Then, when the distance is above 30cm, the state transitions to FORWARD again.

Here is the source code:
Fork my bot!

This project uses open hardware, open software, and an open mind. My intention is to provide all code and designs for free (as in speech), with no warranty of any kind. 

Wiring diagram from this instructable.

Monday, September 7, 2015


What is this blog about?


A fun exploration of home-brewed technology including, robots, hvac, gardening, media, drones, legos, trains, rc toys, and whatever else we find. In recent months, I have built Arduino rover robots, a Raspberry Pi workstation, thermistor transmitter, and a Leonardo based quad-copter. Now, I will share as I go.


But, this is not just another Internet of Things blog. I'm also a professional software engineer, specializing in web development and integration architecture. I'm currently looking for opportunities to refine my JavaScript craft, both at work and at home. I plan to expand my JavaScript chops into the Raspberry Pi and Arduino space.

What's next